Thursday, January 31, 2008

IT Managers User Group STARTING in Columbia!

The first informal meeting is scheduled for 2/6/2008 at TM Floyd, Inc. (1800 St. Julian Place, Columbia, SC 29204). The first official meeting will be 4/2/2008 - First Wednesday of the month.
Interested students are invited along with other professors to the 2/6/2008 meeting. TM Floyd will host the first two informal meeting and all meeting after that will be hosted by USC.

Please RVSP by Feb. 1 (Verbus M. Counts at, as pizza will be provided and they need to now how many are coming.

The proposed agenda for Wednesday February 6, 2008 is as follows:

6:30 - Welcome - Ron
Introduction of committee members
Guest make self intros

6:45 Mission Statement - ?
Changes to mission statement

7:00 IT Manager's Challenge - Verbus
Cost, Time, Quality - You can have any TWO, but not all THREE for any given

7:15 Introduction to tonight's presentation - Verbus

7:20 Web Application Demo - Grady & Amy

8:00 Networking - All

8:30 The End

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Welcome New Semester

Dear Students,
Happy New Year!
Team STACIE is going to have activities soon. Do you have any idea for expected activities? Or what do you like to learn and use what you learn to serve the community?
Please write down your opinions in the comments.
Thanks and best regards,
Dr. Hong Jiang